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41. Whereas, the Declaration of Independence is written in English...
Whereas, the Constitution is written in English...
Whereas, unfortunately our forefathers did not anticipate to be followed in later years by a bunch of jackasses(*)
Therefore, be it resolved that English be our language of official recorded data.
* I did not say that you will have to speak English out on the street with friends and family. I said.... "official recorded data".... you jackasses!!
* With apologies to a noble animal!

42. Don't you feel like a fool gloating over an income tax refund? That money was yours to begin with!! You turkey!! If you are going to lend money at no interest, how about lending me some?

43. Now in support of a separatist group, we bomb Belgrade, Capital of Serbia.
My Questions are:
A. Are we ready to bomb London, Capital of the UK, in support of the Irish Republican Army?
B. Are we ready to bomb Ankara, Capital of Turkey, in support of the Kurds?
C. Are we ready to bomb Ottawa, Capital of Canada, in support of the separatist movement in Quebec?
D. Are we ready to bomb Bogota, Capital of Colombia, in support of the rebels, who by the way control 40% of the country?
E. And, are we ready to bomb Washington, DC, when the Kosovo refugees coming now to the USA decide to carve out a portion of one of the States and want to call it "their" own?? Hypocrisy!!
F. News Flash!! Lets bomb Moscow, the Capital of Russia. After all, they are doing to the Chechians what the Serbs allegedly did to the people of Kosovo!! Hypocrites...

How many are to die for your glory o fearless leader?

44. There are those who make things happen. There are those who let things happen. And, there are those who do not give a rats darn of what happens!

45. If the zealots go after the criminal element with the same energy they go after the 2nd amendment (the right to Bear Arms) it would be safe to stroll in our entire USA at any time!

46. People hear, but do not listen. People look, but do not see. And, people speak without engaging brain first!

47. Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the US House of Representatives (1995 thru 1998) missed the chance of a lifetime to really put his name in the history books of our beloved USA. Yes folks, on December 1994, he was given a check for FOUR AND A HALF MILLION US DOLLARS! Just to write 2 books. Newt wondered what to do with that much money! Take it and run or return it and go for a percentage of the book sales. He opted for the last one. Wrong choice in both instances! What should he have done? He should have endorsed the check to the Treasury of the USA, right in front of the TV cameras! Therefore, keeping the rest of the wind bag politicians with their mouths shut! Hopefully for ever!

48. Keep your nose out of other peoples business, thats the correct answer. Now, what was the question?

49. The Rise and fall of the USA, by The Soapbox Orator. It will take too much time and space to write the history of our beloved USA. However, The Epilog will read something like this: An unconquered civilization destroyed from within!

50. When Social Security was established, life expectancy in the USA was about 63 years. In other words, politicos of the time figured we'll all be dead before collecting it! That's the reason they spent our money all these years! And still do!

51. Well, you know the Safety routine. OSHA once published a bulleting alerting our farmers to the fact that fresh manure was slippery! So, be careful, you hear?

53. Any and every Institution if left unchecked, WILL corrupt itself. Its like having the fox guard the hen house!

54. If you are paid for your honesty, you loose it! No, not your money Bozo, your honesty!

55. You know the ship is sinking when the rats are jumping overboard! Beware, the ship of State is proclaiming that crimes are beign committed against it! That's the first sign of a sinking nation!

56. If the cost of the products manufactured in our beloved USA is 75-90% "labor" expenses. Then why, don't we cut our wages in half and compete with the rest of the world?

57. Aw shucks! And I thought that JR of Dallas, Texas was the only fellow that got away with anything!

58. Neither The President nor The Congress of the USA can do "GOOD" to the Nations economy! But, it sure can do a lot of damage to it, believe me!

59. 1999. Now that the morals of the characters we elect/appoint as the leaders of our "VILLAGE" are down the toilet. My question is: When will it become fashionable to elect/appoint pedophiles and prostitutes as dorm counselors for our boys and girls?

60. Soon, very soon, The United States Declaration of Independence and The Constitution will be considered subversive material. Heck, what am I saying, they may already be so in some of our schools!

61. I am not running for office, therefore I can speak my mind without worrying whose OX Al Gore!

62. Hell is running out of space, stop sending liberals there!

63. And may God please bless America, for there are very few left that do!

64. Only in America are our young GI's sent to do what the Washington, DC elected/appointed elite refused to do when they were young!

65. What time is check out at The White House Inn?

66. Definitions. Misinformed=Lied to; Uninformed=Plain old fools!

67. The USA News Media, just like Our Freedoms, need to be carefully checked every day!

68. Aren't you glad the "endangered species people" were not around millions of years ago? Just think, we could have been breakfast, lunch or dinner for one of those behemonth meat eaters!

69. Don't you just love it when people who know or risk nothing, tell you how, when and on what you can and must spend your money?

70. Now that we have "No Smoking" signs everywhere, isn't it time to take them down? Pollution is pollution and all those signs are beginning to be eye sores!! I am starting an eye protection pollution alert!! Thank you.

71. Idiocy must be a liquid element and definitely running through the Washington, DC water system!! How else can you account for the idiocy coming out of there?

72. Careful, do not keep an open mind when listening to the USA TV news media, they are liable to fill it up with manure!!

73. In Washington, DC protective and safe sex means doing it while surrounded by Secret Service Agents!!

74. Careful now, do not speak the naked truth around Bill!! He is liable to have sex with it!!

75. We are definitely a morally bancrupt nation. We condone and encourage illegitimacy, but, condemn and prosecute prostitution!!

76. William Jefferson Clinton will be remembered as the President who asked for a bunch of new laws, because he broke all the old ones!!

77. Texas is known for cattle, Oklahoma is known for pigs, Arkansas for chickens and Washington DC for a lot of BULL!!

78. When is the Boss of the Republican Party more important than the President of The United States? When they are investigating foreign contributions!! Ask any US reporter!!

79. In The US, sexual orientation is no longer important. Only the ability of doing ones job matters!! OK, who wants to send his/her kids to summer camp, where all the counselors are pedophiles or prostitutes?? Line up lib's!!

80. Where else but in America, grown men make millions of dollars a year playing childrens games? And the worker, who gathers their food, only gets $12,000 a year??


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