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1. Who was/is the American that coined the words:

A. Abe Lincoln
B. Ben Franklin
C. Thomas Jefferson
D. Andrew Jackson
E. The Soapbox Orator!

For everyone that e-mails me the correct answer:

2. Dear fellow Americans it NEVER was, is or will be the ECONOMY Stupid! But it ALWAYS was, is or will be the OVERHEAD EXPENSE"JACKASS!"
(with appologies to a noble animal)

3. Why is economics so difficult to understand? When it really is so simple! The more people "WORK" for all the GOVERNMENTS that we have in our beloved USA, the less of us left to produce what we need and want.

4. When more people show up at the supper table, than work in the garden, then some are going to bed hungry!

5. First Lady Hillary Rodam Clinton may be correct in her beliefs that it takes a village to raise a child. However, my concern is, what happens to the children when the idiot elders elect a leader of questionable character?

6. My fellow Americans I am so glad I went to elementary school in the 40's. Because by the time I got to the 5th grade, not only did I kiss all the girls, I also kissed some of the teachers, wow! Today I would be in detention forever!

7. Honest politicians in Washington DC?, why we in America would never allow it!

8. Have you noticed the talking heads on TV refer to the USA as "this country". They speak of the USA as if they are from outer space, are not citizens or do not live here! Of course, some of them fit all of the criteria.

9. If you did not "contribute", Al Capone's lieutenants blew up your place of business or busted your knees. Uncle Sam's men only garnish your wages or confiscate your properties. Small difference, same result. Remember, Al never got jailed for crimes committed. He got nailed for failing to "contribute".

10. I do not understand why we blame it all on the politicians, when we are at fault. We re-elect the same bunch every time. This reminds me of the homeowner who keeps piling more fertilizer on his front yard every year. Eventually he will have nothing more than a big pile of manure on his yard! Same difference.

11. Only in the good old USA can the President and the Congress declare a surplus in our Federal budget while we are $5.5 Trillion in the hole! Thats U$S 5,500,000,000,000 dollars and 00 COMMON CENTS!

12. The serfs of yore "gave" 30% of their income to their Lords and Masters. We in FREEDOM "give" 38% of our income to our Lords and Masters! Do you have to be a rocket scientist to figure out who the slaves are?

13. The difference between slaves and FREEDOM wage earners, is the waste of time in cashing the FREEDOM wage earner's pay check!

14. When the Nerds at the United Nations gather to discuss World hunger, do they show up at the conference table on an empty stomach?

15. It seems to me that the World hunger is best solved with a shovel, some seeds and lots of manure!

16. Of course, in the case of the Nerds at the United Nations, a shovel and seeds will be sufficient. I am sure they have plenty of manure!

17. I just found out a way for the entire world to become millionaires! Yes, the entire world! I have been reading what this fellow says about tourism. He says that we need to spend money to promote tourism and we will all make money. Well, tourism is travel and visiting, correct? Well then, all we have to do is VISIT EACH OTHER AND WE ALL BECOME FILTHY RICH!

18. Do you have any idea of how respectful of each other we would be, if every one of us carried a loaded 45?

19. QUESTION: If a bank employee gets caught with his/her hands in somebody else's drawers, is he/she accused of stealing or sexual harassment?

20. Congressional term limits and campaign finance reform, seem to be very elusive issues without solution. Congressmen/women, your attention please! Campaign finance reform: why not pass a law to spend each other's campaign contributions. Term limits: this problem is now academic. If you get to spend each others money, term limits is automatic! Of course, our politicians will find a loop hole in this too!!


22. Confiscate all the money of our billionaires and millionaires and we run the Federal government of our beloved USA for about six months! Whose money do we take next to finish the year?

22. In our heart of hearts, we are all liberals when it concerns other peoples money. And, conservatives when it is ours!

23. Recent (1999) newspaper headlines reminded me of international events of yore. I am refering to the call up of military Reserves. Then it was to crush the Czech Republic for the alledged mistreatment of its ethnic German population.

24. Why is it OK for Cities to "pirate" ball teams from each other. But, it is BAD when Corporations "raid" each other's employees?

25. When everyone works for the government, who is going to pay the taxes to support us?

26. 1999-There are so many "GATES" in this administration, that we no longer need a fence around The White House!

27. My dear friends, neighbors and visitors. It seems that every one is completely sold on the quantity of visitors on the different outer-space pages, so they put some fancy electronic counters of visitors! Well, here is mine!

28. The problem is not too much money corrupting politicians. Rather, it is politicians corrupting our money!

29. May the droppings of one million dromedaries be sufficient to fertilize the front yard of your lawn!

30. Have you ever given any thought of how deep in doodoo the VIP would be if not for the cleaning crew?

31. You are not living in freedom if you constantly pay to be left alone!

32. Your "RIGHTS" are "VERY WRONG" when they come closer than 18 inches from my nose!

33. Stop screwing around!! Let's cure Aids!!! I think I just did!!

34. You believe that government can spend your money better than yourself? Then give them YOUR MONEY, leave mine alone, you jackass!!

35. The only difference between the North and South American politician, is the degree of sophistication and the quality of the profilactic with which the US politician screews the US Tax payer!!

36. Clinton=Performs; Hillary=Dignifies!!

37. Every other country in the world has saints. May I suggest one for the USA? Our Lady Saint of Perpetual Conjugal Suffering!!

38. We subsidize illegitimacy and persecute/prosecute prostitution, WHY?? Because prostitutes have money!! So, they are good for a (police/judge) shake down!! Thats why!! It is a question of money, not public misconduct!!

39. After we establish the NEW WORLD ORDER, why would we need a government? Example: Why would we need a Secretary of State? A Secretary of Defence? A Secretary of The Army, Navy, Air Force? Why would we need a Postmaster General? Would we really need Ambasadors?? What fur? (cat fur, to make kitten britches??)

40. Recent employment ads encourage women and minorities to apply for job opportunities. Does that mean for white men to stay out?


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